Authorised Amiga Technologies OEM Product.
The beauty of this sytem is that you can specify what you require at the time of ordering. Therefore the usual upgrade losses are avoided as you have no redundant parts!
Using this method, a full EAGLE 4000TE system with either 68040 or 68060 processors can be purchased for a lower price.
We have many optional peripherals which can be used to build a very powerful low cost Amiga Tower based system. However, to simplify things, we also have two main Tower configurations, being the Eagle 4000TE-40 and the Eagle 4000TE-60.
Pre-configured (CE Approved) Systems :
Eagle 4000TE-40/40
Xenon-Tower, Amiga 4000 motherboard, CyberStorm 68040 40MHz CPU,2Mb Chip RAM, 4Mb Fast RAM, 1Gb SCSI Hard drive, Keyboard,
System Disks, Mouse. �1799.95 UKP
Eagle 4000TE-60
Xenon-Tower, Amiga 4000 motherboard, CyberStormMKII 68060 CPU, 2Mb Chip RAM, 4Mb Fast RAM,
1Gb SCSI Hard drive, Keyboard, System Disks, Mouse. �1999.95 UKP
Eagle 4000TE "Bare Bones"
High quality Xenon Tower, AT Motherboard with 2Mb Chip RAMand 4Mb Fast RAM : �1299.95 UKP